2010 Short Short Story Festival Awards
This year's jury grand prize award was selected by a distinguished panel of judges, based on visual and audio presentation, storytelling, originality, and overall appeal.
Click here for more information on the judges.
"Ruby Ram"
Jury Grand Prize
Guns, Bees, & Tadpoles
Directed by John McCloskey -
Derry, Northern Ireland (more)
Perpetuum Mobile
Directed by Sebastian Kenney -
Zurich, Switzerland (more)
Heartstrings Award
Audience-selected favorite of the
Heartstrings Program
Los Gritones (The Screamers)
Directed by Roberto Pérez Toledo -
Madrid, Spain (more)
Headtrip Award
Audience-selected favorite of the
Headtrip Program
Mr. Foley
Directed by D.A.D.D.Y. -
Dublin, Ireland (more)
Mind's Eye Award
Celebrating the art of visual
short-short storytelling
Directed by André Bergs -
Utrecht, Netherlands (more)